Saturday, September 1, 2012


It's not the first time I've bragged about her, and I'm sure it won't be the last.

I just had to remind you all that you should be jealous.  I got THE best mother-in-law the world had to offer.  She loves me (and Jim, duh), and my children exquisitely, and lets me be my flawed self without judgment. 

She is the only one who even remotely understands what it is like to be married to Jim, because (a) she's his momma, and (b) she is married to "a Gregory man," and she and a certain Hospice nurse know what I mean by that.  (And honey, it's not a's more of an inside joke.)

She makes the best chocolate chip cookies, knows the true joy of a cold Pepsi, is a laundry goddess, and has the heart of gold that I thought I'd never know again when my beloved Duck (my paternal grandmother) passed away.

And for today, that's it.  Just a girl, who wanted to brag on her Momma G for a minute.  Because God knows, she deserves it.

1 comment:

Denise said...


love how God has met your needs, and lavished love and grace on you through your m.i.l.!

that should be celebrated.

i have a mama holly, who is not family by blood or by law, but by God.