Happy third birthday, Seth James.
Fighter. We started the year out with a bang, didn’t we? I look at that picture of you, sitting in that hospital bed at Vanderbilt, and my heart breaks all over again. You were so little, and we were so scared. But you are a fighter, little man. Other than the day you were born, I don’t know that I’ve ever been so amazed by the creation of your body, your life, and the miracle that you are.
If we could not start out this year with an ambulance ride, that’d be great. ;)
Hot mess, to quote Miss Jessi. Dude. Your hair. It’s wonder of nature….and it just might be time to sport a new ‘do. But for now, I see this snapshots of your double crown in the back, and the overgrown widow’s peak in the front, and I can only smile.
Heart-stealer. Ah, your favorite people – your grandparents. Seth, they love you so much. I hope you have many, many years with them. One of the redeeming things about coming from a family with a history of divorce is that you, sweet boy, get to benefit from more-than-the-average-number of grandmas and grandpas.
I know that since we moved you to Tennessee, you don’t get to see them as much as you used to…. but know that distance doesn’t dull love. Oh, who am I kidding? You already know this! Even the hundreds of miles between you and your grandparents don’t phase you – they are still your best buds, and you talk about them as though they live across the hall. Here’s to many more shake-milks with your besties.
Oh, Seth.
This photo ranks top 5 for 2010. You were so much fun this spring. (You still are, but man, there was something special about playing with you in the days leading up to welcoming Erin into our home.) Maybe it was because I was so intent on enjoying my last days with you as my “baby.” I know all too soon – if not already – you’ll be too big (or at least too busy) to be pushed down the sidewalk on your Little Tykes trike.
Brother. I had no idea. NO idea, when I snapped this picture of Erin’s first minutes home with you, that you would become the light of her world. Seth, your baby sister ADORES you. You are her favorite person, hands down, and I love that. You are the best big brother, and she is so lucky to have you.
I pray that you will always love her and care for her as much as you do right now. Compassion, tenderness, and a friendly heart will serve you well throughout your life; I’m glad you get to practice those skills with Erin. I’m glad I get to WATCH you practice with Erin; you are teaching me more and more each day.
Explorer. Watching you learn, Seth, is the highlight of my days. You are so determined to keep up with the big kids – it both warms and wrenches my heart. On one hand, I want you to stay little, in 18 month shorts and size 4 Crocs. On the other hand, I know you have to grow. Your clothes have to get bigger numbers on the tags; your mind has to develop more – even to the point where you can begin to hold a logical argument with me; your world has to broaden, even as I’d hope to shelter you just a little longer.
Keep doing your thing, little man, even if it seems like Mommy isn’t ready. I’m probably not; but you are.
Daredevil. No fear, little one. You have no fear. You’ll ride it, jump off it, crawl under it; you’ll build it bigger, stack it higher, throw it further; all with the gusto and gumption us “older” folks envy. I love seeing you tackle new things, and I hope you’ll always be as curious and open to new things as you are at this stage of your life. (Except when it comes to all the big no-no’s out there in the world….but you’re only three; we’ll talk about those later.)
Bailey-bud. And then there is your buddy, Bailey. He is your best friend. And I LOVE that. Nonna could not have known when she brought you an ease-you-in-Erin present that we’d be getting the best dog ever as a part of our family.
People-bud, too. Thankfully, Bailey isn’t your only friend. You also charm the likes of non-stuffed peeps. Claire and Aylin are only a couple of the people you love most in your life. I am so glad that you have such a sweet spirit, and that people like to be around you. I think you get your social side from me (which is great), but I also think you get your more laid back traits from your dad (which is even better), and that makes you a great little guy to be around.
Helper. I know I don’t tell you often enough, but I love that you love to be around me, and that you want to do the things I do. From bathing Erin, to mixing things up in the kitchen, to vacuuming, though I sometimes get exasperated with having you right underfoot, you are the best sidekick a mommy could ask for.
Stud. You’re starting to have some pre-pubescent tendencies. Stopping to check yourself out in the mirror, closing your door for privacy…it cracks me up, but we’re just rolling with it. You are becoming more and more your own self each day, and, well, we are just so lucky to be your parents and to be able to sit back and watch the transformation.
Star-gazer. No dream is too big, son. We love you so very much, and are here to support you in your dreams every step of the way. (Even if that dream is, today, at three years old, a purple unicorn PillowPet!) No matter what, we love you. You are God’s greatest gift to us.
Happy third birthday, darling boy. You are my sunshine, today and always.