Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I've had three Dove hearts in the last hour.

I can't stop crying.

At this rate, I'll have to resign on Friday, because there won't be any candy left.

Interpeeps, please pray for our family. News from ICU is not good. They have decided not to attempt a move to the U of M. I know she was supposed to have a two-unit transfusion this afternoon. There may be blood in her lungs. Dad hasn't really given me a timeframe, but we're feeling.....I just don't know.

Oh, my head and my heart hurt.


Unknown said...


lalalady said...

Oh M! I am so very sorry. I am praying for you. Please do call me if you need me. I will check in with you tomorrow. I am praying that your Mom isn't in much pain. Big Hugs, D.

Stacy D said...

Praying, praying, praying...

Kelly @ Sufficient Grace Ministries said...

I don't know your mom's condition. I'm a new reader...but I'm praying for her, and for you. I watched my mother struggle with a debilitating illness and then with the cancer which eventually took her life, two years ago. It is so unspeakably hard to see someone you love sick and in heart is heavy for you and your family. I will be praying.

Sara said...

hugs, prayers & our love coming your way, chica.

Anonymous said...

Hi Monica,

I met you last year at the PCC alumni banquet and at the time, we discussed in a nutshell some of the major happenings in our lives. Since then, because of our situation with our son's leukemia, and BMT, I have thought of and prayed often for you and your mom -I'm saddened to hear of the recent issues - and am praying for God's peace and strength for you and the family in the days and weeks ahead. Praying, Praying, and sending Hugs from Michigan!

Valerie said...

I'm so sorry, Monica. Sending you and your family lots of prayers!

Anonymous said...

Oh my baby! I'm going to pull through this and be better than ever. We all have such a beautiful future ahead of us. Thanks to everyone for all your prayers. I love you more than you know, Monica. And my grandbaby, well, you know how I feel on that subject. Now, no more tears; just smiles and love in our hearts for all and thanks for all God has done.